I want AI

We know, everyone is talking about AI, Machine Learning and Neural Networks but you have no idea what this fuzz is all about. You are still running Windows 7 and visit this site via Internet Explorer. Still, you want AI bragging rights? We can provide it!

In todays environment AI is everything. It is the hottest buzzword around and gets more attention than anything else. We enable you to leverage decentralized, cloud based machine learning to boost your boasting?.

What we offer

We offer an expert approved AI certificate widget. Our customers use it on flyers, on their website and in many other ways. Additionally we add you to our customer segment, so you can bragg about working with an agile tech company. Lastly we offer SOE for AI connected terms so your company can also profit from the AI-Hypetrain.

Legal Concerns?

We know you might feel uncomfortable making untrue claims just to boost your marketing? Don't worry AI is a very fuzzy term, it is very unlikely that someone will ask you about detail. Still, we offer a redundant implementation of a random neural network.

AI Certificate

Expert certified AI widget for integration in your communications channels.

Optimizing you Company for AI Search Terms

We enable you to leverage the AI hype train.

Bragg About Working with a Modern Tech Company

The image of your company is dependent on how you are perceived by others. Make yourself standout by appearing on a modern tech companie's partner page.

Get in touch

Interested? Just write an email, our AI system will answer asap.